Apthk Lab

Apthk Lab is a collaborative space interested to work with artists and communities around the well-being and caring culture. We create relations and networks that show society the importance of caring, using artistic practices as our engine. Everyone is welcome, especially minorities, feminists, queer, and dissident voices and dialogs. We encourage non-conforming agencies. We are a mixed group of artists, curators, and designers, spotlighting the global south and non-western practices. We create a safe space for intercultural exchange. We work with an archive, memory is very important for us. We create an internal ecosystem of interactions, where our community practices as a team, reaches out to the outside world and invites others to participate. We work towards breaking vertical power structures and empowering horizontal communication between internal and external agents of Apthk Lab. We are a relational ecosystem, therefore politically, we are interested in making visible the importance of caring in the universal and local political struggles. This Time Apthk Lab brings a shooting and caring station together with performances and interventions that resonate with caring practices inside the Pina Bausch Spielhaus.