Wann, wenn nicht jetzt?

The climate crisis, the limits of our planet and its finite resources pose enormous challenges for humanity. Last December, clear messages about climate change were projected on to the façade of the future Pina Bausch Centre by Fridays for Future Wuppertal and the artist Knut Klaßen. under construction continues to call for action, for a much-needed process of transformation and for cultural change.
How is the City of Wuppertal dealing with man-made climate change? How sustainable is its infrastructure? How is the cultural sector positioning itself? Over two mornings, in what we call “climate breakfasts”, activists and stakeholders will debate which approaches, initiatives, actions already exist in Wuppertal and what else needs to be implemented regarding the future Pina Bausch Centre. In addition, the Open Space project will develop new slogans for future projections on the façade of the Schauspielhaus. On the second morning, representatives from various institutions including the Mayor of Wuppertal Uwe Schneidewind will attend the climate breakfast to discuss specific steps and measures and their implications for the future Pina Bausch Centre.