Uta Atzpodien

Uta Atzpodien (*1968) is a dramaturg, curator and author. She has a transdisciplinary artistic practice and is committed to sustainable social change and creative urban development. She completed her doctorate with a thesis on “Szenisches Verhandeln. Brasilianisches Theater der Gegenwart” (Scenic Negotiation. Brazilian Theatre of the Present, transcript 2005). She has lived in Wuppertal since 2006, co-founding the artist network )) freies netz werk )) KULTUR and joining the board of INSEL e.V. at Café ADA. “How do we want to live?” Channelling the spirit of the former textiles city Wuppertal, Uta weaves together threads, networks, actions and perspectives that support ecological and social sustainability in and beyond Wuppertal, exploring creative and refreshingly human ways to achieve this. Recent projects include Zukunftslabor Kunst und Stadt, the film Arbeit:Mensch:Utopia and plan e: planet erde. She is a member of the und.Institut für Kunst, Kultur und Zukunftsfähigkeit (Institute for Art, Culture and Sustainability) and currently also a research fellow at the Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft (Society for Cultural Policy).