Pau Aran Gimeno

Born on the Catalan Mediterranean shores, Pau began his professional performance career with ballroom dancing and modern-jazz before his interest and experience expanded to include many other forms of expressive movement. During his studies at the Conservatorio Profesional De Danza ‘Mariemma’ in, Madrid, Pau was invited to attend the Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen, Germany, where he continued to develop his movement vocabulary. He then joined the Tanztheater Wuppertal under the direction of Pina Bausch. Pau has danced in more than twenty-five of Pina Bausch’s productions and continues to dance with the internationally renowned ensemble as a guest artist. An independent artist since 2013, Pau develops his personal movement language through cross-disciplinary collective endeavours all over the world. He also teaches creative workshops with and for diverse artists and communities.
Instagram @pau.aran.gimeno
Facebook Pau Aran