Sonia Bel Hadj Brahim


Sonia Bel Hadj Brahim, alias SonYa, studied popping in 2004 under Pascal Luce, then with the Electric Boogaloos. She is also a self-taught waacking specialist since 2011, when the dance was little known to audiences in France. Over the years, she has acquired the vocabularies of soul dancing, locking and hip-hop. Taking part in battles and stage shows alike, SonYa juggles between all these dance disciplines, with a particular focus on popping and waacking. She has been a finalist and has won numerous battles in her preferred disciplines: Express Your Style, Juste Debout, Street Star, Hot Mess, Waacking Summer Sharing… Today, SonYa is a member of the French waacking collective, Ma Dame Paris. SonYa has taken part in stage performances for several French dance companies. In 2018, she formed the group GROOVE GARDEN with Arnaud Duprat and Pascal Luce. She performs in the shows PROMENADE OBLIGATOIRE, Autarcie (....), bal.exe, À mon bel amour as well as Underdogs by par Terre / Anne Nguyen Dance Company.