Horst Wegener


Horst Wegener was born in Quito, Ecuador, in 1997 and now works as a rapper, songwriter and film producer in Wuppertal. His debut EP “Mein Name ist Horst” was released by Samy Deluxe’s label KunstWerkStadt to national and international acclaim. Horst Wegener is the founder of the film production company WUPPERwerft. Since 2019 he has been working with the Wuppertal Opera to curate the festival “Sound of the City”. In Autumn 2020 he released a short film produced by WUPPERwerft on the Black Lives Matter protests. It generated a strong response and much positive feedback in the German media. In 2021, he created the film version of Rainer Behr’s new creation Schlafende Frau.

Instagram @dasisthorst